Timer Machine Gun Circuits
When the Timer Machine Power Supply is on, the circuit starts working, which means the transistor will start work but since it is a PNP transistor it will work only when it gains low pulses. When it gains low pulses, the supply is reached to pin 8 of 555 timer IC which works in astable mode. Capacitor C5 act as a bypass capacitor which allows only the same frequency sound which leads to producing a sound on the speaker. The sound produced on the speaker is just like the sound produced by the machine.
Timer Machine Gun Circuits
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- Product SKU: LGZK007
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The Timer Machine Gun Circuits battery of 9V is connected to the speaker as well as PNP transistor BC557. Supply of 9V is given to pin no 8 and pin no 4 of 555 timer IC which are internally connected to each other. Here 555 timer IC works in astable mode. At pin no 5 and pin no 2, a capacitor of 10μF is attached. 3 electrolyte capacitors are also used of 10μF. Timer Machine Gun Two resistors are used of 100K and 33K. In which one resistor is attached between transistor and pin no 1 while the other is connected between pin no 2 and output pin no 3. The one end of the speaker is connected to capacitor C4 while another end is connected to capacitor C5.When the Timer Machine Power Supply is on, the circuit starts working, which means the transistor will start work but since it is a PNP transistor it will work only when it gains low pulses. When it gains low pulses, the supply is reached to pin 8 of 555 timer IC which works in astable mode. Capacitor C5 act as a bypass capacitor which allows only the same frequency sound which leads to producing a sound on the speaker. The sound produced on the speaker is just like the sound produced by the machine.
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 15 x 12 x 5
- Weight (gm): 50