Toy Organ using 555 timer Circuit
The Toy Organ using 555 timer Circuit consists of six resistors connected in series. There are six buttons connected in the circuit. When one button is pressed it produces a tone. Similarly, six buttons produce six different tones. That means, it just works as a toy piano. When the first button from the right is pressed it produces a high pitch tone. When the last button is pressed it delivers a low tone.
Toy Organ using 555 timer Circuit
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- Product SKU: LGZK005
₹ 149
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Warehouse Details

The heart of this circuit is a 555 timer IC. The 555 timers are operated in a stable multivibrator mode. In a stable multivibrator mode, the circuit produces accurate free-running waveforms, which can be adjusted. This is because of the resistance connected to the buttons. The low thresh hold voltage obtained at the sixth pin slows the charging and discharging of 10 microfarad capacitors at the speaker. As the resistance value increases voltage at the threshold pin decreases and low frequency passes through the speaker.The Toy Organ using 555 timer Circuit consists of six resistors connected in series. There are six buttons connected in the circuit. When one button is pressed it produces a tone. Similarly, six buttons produce six different tones. That means, it just works as a toy piano. When the first button from the right is pressed it produces a high pitch tone. When the last button is pressed it delivers a low tone.
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 15 x 12 x 5
- Weight (gm): 50