IR Based Security System
The IR Based Security System transmitter keeps transmitting IR rays from D2 towards IR receiver D3. Both are directed towards each other in the same line. As soon as any object comes in between these two, no IR rays fall on the IR receiver and its resistance becomes high hence the voltage V3 goes high and the transistor and buzzer get turned on.
IR Based Security System
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- Product SKU: LGSK027
₹ 129 - ₹ 249
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Warehouse Details

The Infra-ed (IR ) sensors are frequently used in security systems. They are used in security because we can not see IR rays with our naked eyes. In this circuit, we have designed a simple yet useful system that can be used at many places as a security device. It generates an alarm if any obstacle comes between the IR transmitter and receiver.The IR Based Security System transmitter keeps transmitting IR rays from D2 towards IR receiver D3. Both are directed towards each other in the same line. As soon as any object comes in between these two, no IR rays fall on the IR receiver and its resistance becomes high hence the voltage V3 goes high and the transistor and buzzer get turned on.
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200