Self Switching Power Supply
The current drawn by the load can be varied by using the potentiometer setting. The proposed system uses a rectifier and other electronic devices. Based on the condition of the load, the Self Switching Power Supply is controlled by the relay and transistor arrangement in the circuit. If there is no load, then the relay will be turned off automatically by using the properties of a capacitor in the circuit. By using a variable potentiometer, the current can be varied from 3.5 to 8.7A.
Self Switching Power Supply
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGKT070
₹ 899
₹ 1,099
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Warehouse Details

Most of the embedded electronic-based systems need a regulated supply of power. Well, this type of Self Switching Power Supply is needed to provide a regulated and variable power supply system that automatically stops supply in case no load is detected.The current drawn by the load can be varied by using the potentiometer setting. The proposed system uses a rectifier and other electronic devices. Based on the condition of the load, the Self Switching Power Supply is controlled by the relay and transistor arrangement in the circuit. If there is no load, then the relay will be turned off automatically by using the properties of a capacitor in the circuit. By using a variable potentiometer, the current can be varied from 3.5 to 8.7A.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200