Traffic Light Control
- Product SKU: LGKT066
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This traffic light control system is designed. It is a simple implementation of a traffic lights system but can be extended to a real-time system with programmable timings, pedestrian lighting, etc. In this project, a simple traffic light system for a 4-way intersection is implemented using Arduino UNO. Although it is not the ideal implementation for real-life scenarios, it gives an idea of the process behind the traffic light control system.
The Traffic Light Control Kit is the 555 astable circuit that provides rapid square wave clock pulses for the 4017 counter which has ten outputs (Q0 to Q9). Each output becomes high in turn; clock pulses are received from the 555 timer IC. The clock pulse from the 555 timers depends on the RC network connected to it. Appropriate outputs are combined with diodes to supply the yellow and green LEDs. The red LED is connected to pin no 12 which is CO (Carry Out) as in when the counter counts 0 through 9 you get a carry function.
This Electronic Traffic Light Control positive clock transitions at pin 14 (Clock In) advances the counter, one count. During clock pulses, 0 through 4 pins 12 remains low, and then clock pulses 5 through 9 it transitions high. i.e. ÷10 output which is high for the first 5 counts (Q0-Q4 high), this saves using 5 diodes for red and simplifies the circuit. At a time one output is higher (Positive) and other output pins of IC remain at a low state. The capacitor and resistor on pin 15 of IC4017 are used to reset the counter to zero (Red light ON) at initial power.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200