Ultrasonic sensor based smooth breaking system
In the kit ultrasonic sensor-based smooth braking system circuit In order to fulfill our above-said objective, we have used a voice recognition module, which can accept our voice with a microphone connected with it, and in turn, it responds serially to a microcontroller attached with it. As per the data coming from the voice module and instructions stored inside it, the microcontroller controls the doors, devices. The relay and relay drivers are there to control the devices, and motor and motor drivers are there to control the door.
Ultrasonic sensor based smooth breaking system
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGEC194
₹ 1,999
₹ 2,500
Warehouse Details

If some heavy body comes in the predefined range, the system will stop automatically and smoothly. The sudden breaking can lead to a rear collision, hence here we have used smooth breaking i.e. the vehicle will not stop suddenly rather it will stop smoothly. The ultrasonic sensor-based smooth braking system Obstacle detecting and obstacle avoiding systems are used in order to prevent any accidental head-on collision of vehicles. Here, in order to sense any object in front of the vehicle, we have used a distance sensor.In the kit ultrasonic sensor-based smooth braking system circuit In order to fulfill our above-said objective, we have used a voice recognition module, which can accept our voice with a microphone connected with it, and in turn, it responds serially to a microcontroller attached with it. As per the data coming from the voice module and instructions stored inside it, the microcontroller controls the doors, devices. The relay and relay drivers are there to control the devices, and motor and motor drivers are there to control the door.
Block Diagram
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 28 x 24 x 8
- Weight (gm): 1000