GSM Based Smart advertisement board
Notice board is a primary thing in any institution or organization or public utility places like bus stops, railway stations, or parks. But sending various notices at different times is a tedious process. It presents an SMS-based notice board incorporating the widely used GSM to facilitate the communication of displaying messages on the notice board via the user’s mobile phone. Its operation is based on microcontroller ATMEGA328 programmed in assembly language.
A GSM modem with a SIM card is interfaced with the ports of the microcontroller with the help of AT commands. When the user sends an SMS via the user's mobile phone, it is received by the GSM modem at the receiver’s end. The messaged is thus etched into the microcontroller. It is further displayed on an electronic notice board equipped with an LCD display interfaced with a microprocessor powered by a regulated power supply from the main supply of 230 volts AC.
GSM Based Smart advertisement board
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGEC008
₹ 1,799
₹ 2,100
Warehouse Details

This kit is a GSM Based advertisement board where 16×2 LCD is used as a display for the notice board and the GSM modem is used for receiving and sending SMS. When a user wants to display a notice/message on the notice board, the user will send SMS from a verified mobile number and SMS received is displayed on LCD.Notice board is a primary thing in any institution or organization or public utility places like bus stops, railway stations, or parks. But sending various notices at different times is a tedious process. It presents an SMS-based notice board incorporating the widely used GSM to facilitate the communication of displaying messages on the notice board via the user’s mobile phone. Its operation is based on microcontroller ATMEGA328 programmed in assembly language.
A GSM modem with a SIM card is interfaced with the ports of the microcontroller with the help of AT commands. When the user sends an SMS via the user's mobile phone, it is received by the GSM modem at the receiver’s end. The messaged is thus etched into the microcontroller. It is further displayed on an electronic notice board equipped with an LCD display interfaced with a microprocessor powered by a regulated power supply from the main supply of 230 volts AC.
Block Diagram
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 25 x 22 x 7
- Weight (gm): 1000