Motor Driver TB6612FNG Module Performance Ultra Small Volume 3 PI Matching Performance Ultra
Logic supply voltage (VCC) can be in the range of 2.7-5.5VDC, while the motor supply (VM) is limited to a maximum voltage of 15VDC. The output current is rated up to 1.2A per channel (or up to 3.2A for a short, single pulse).
The board comes with all components installed as shown. Decoupling capacitors are included on both supply lines. All pins of the TB6612FNG are broken out to two 0.1. Pitch headers; The pins are arranged such that input pins are on one side and output pins are on the other.
Superior Performance for Self-Balancing Car: The TB6612FNG can be an excellent choice for a self-balancing car due to its ability to control the motors accurately. It provides bidirectional control for two motors, which is a crucial feature for self-balancing vehicles. It allows precise adjustments to the motor speed and direction, enabling the vehicle to maintain balance.
Compact Size: Its compact form factor makes it suitable for applications where space is limited.
Motor Driver TB6612FNG Module Performance Ultra Small Volume 3 PI Matching Performance Ultra
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- Product SKU: LGGE271
₹ 223
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The Motor Driver TB6612FNG Module motor driver can control up to two DC motors at a constant current of 1.2A (3.2A peak). Two input signals (IN1 and IN2) can be used to control the motor in one of four function modes – CW, CCW, short-brake, and stop.Here's some information about the motor Driver TB6612FNG :
The two motor outputs (A and B) can be separately controlled, the speed of each motor is controlled via a PWM input signal with a frequency up to 100kHz. The STBY pin should be pulled high to take the motor out of standby mode.Logic supply voltage (VCC) can be in the range of 2.7-5.5VDC, while the motor supply (VM) is limited to a maximum voltage of 15VDC. The output current is rated up to 1.2A per channel (or up to 3.2A for a short, single pulse).
The board comes with all components installed as shown. Decoupling capacitors are included on both supply lines. All pins of the TB6612FNG are broken out to two 0.1. Pitch headers; The pins are arranged such that input pins are on one side and output pins are on the other.
TB6612FNG Motor Drive Board Module:
Performance: The TB6612FNG is known for its high performance and efficiency in controlling DC motors. It is often praised for its compact size and capability to drive motors with precision.Superior Performance for Self-Balancing Car: The TB6612FNG can be an excellent choice for a self-balancing car due to its ability to control the motors accurately. It provides bidirectional control for two motors, which is a crucial feature for self-balancing vehicles. It allows precise adjustments to the motor speed and direction, enabling the vehicle to maintain balance.
Compact Size: Its compact form factor makes it suitable for applications where space is limited.
Technical Details
- Driver Model : TB6612FNG
- Operating Voltage (VDC): 15
- Peak Current (A): 3.2
- Continuous Current (A): 1.2
- No. of Channels: 1
- LED Indicator: Yes
- Cooling Fan: No
- Arduino Sheild: No- can be used with a Wire connection
- Polarity Protection: NO
Physical Attributes
- L x W x H (mm): 30 x 20 x 10
- Weight (gm): 22
- Output current: Iout=1.2A(average) / 3.2A (peak)
- Standby control to save power
- CW/CCW/short break/stop motor control modes
- Built-in thermal shutdown circuit and a low voltage detecting circuit
- All pins of the TB6612FNG broken out to 0.1″ spaced pins
- Filtering capacitors on both supply lines
Product Video
Package Includes
- 1 x TB6612FNG Motor Drive Board Module High Performance Super L298N Self-Balancing Car Electric Drive Board