Cell Phone Detector
The basic principle behind this Cell Phone Tracing Circuit is the idea of using a Schottky diode to detect the cell phone signal. The mobile phone signal is in the frequency range of 0.9 to 3GHZ. Schottky diodes have the unique property of being able to rectify low-frequency signals, with a low noise rate. When an inductor is placed near the RF signal source, it receives the signal through mutual induction. This signal is rectified by the Schottky diode. This low power signal can be amplified and used to power any indicator like an LED in this case.
Cell Phone Detector
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Cell Phone Detector is a very helpful kit if you want to find someone by searching their phone location. In this modern life, in terms of electronic equipment, the most common is the cell phone. Communications technologies have advanced to such an extent that the demand for cell phones has expanded. A cell phone typically transmits and receives signals in the frequency range of 0.9 to 3GHz. This Phone Detector Article provides a simple circuit to detect the presence of an activated cell phone by detecting these signals.The basic principle behind this Cell Phone Tracing Circuit is the idea of using a Schottky diode to detect the cell phone signal. The mobile phone signal is in the frequency range of 0.9 to 3GHZ. Schottky diodes have the unique property of being able to rectify low-frequency signals, with a low noise rate. When an inductor is placed near the RF signal source, it receives the signal through mutual induction. This signal is rectified by the Schottky diode. This low power signal can be amplified and used to power any indicator like an LED in this case.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200