Motion Sensor for Security Light
The Best Motion Sensor timer is used in monostable mode to generate a one-shot trigger to drive the relay driver IC ULN2803 for a particular duration of time on the basis of the function of the relay, in turn, is the drive to act as a high voltage switching switch to put on the light. The 555 IC pin 3 maintains the high logic for the duration of the time and thus the light is on for that duration. The output of 555 timers which is pinned no 3 will be high or low according to the motion senses by the PIR sensor. The input of ULN2803 is connected to pin no. 3 of 555 timer IC and output of ULN2803 are taken in the form of dc bulb through the relay which will be glow when there will be any motion in the room.
Motion Sensor for Security Light
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGKT002
₹ 899 - ₹ 1,249
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This DIY kit of Motion Sensor for Security Light is designed to detect the motion in the room and put on the room light when there is a motion. The project uses a PIR sensor to detect the motion and the analogue and digital circuit to put on the light for a particular duration of time.The Best Motion Sensor timer is used in monostable mode to generate a one-shot trigger to drive the relay driver IC ULN2803 for a particular duration of time on the basis of the function of the relay, in turn, is the drive to act as a high voltage switching switch to put on the light. The 555 IC pin 3 maintains the high logic for the duration of the time and thus the light is on for that duration. The output of 555 timers which is pinned no 3 will be high or low according to the motion senses by the PIR sensor. The input of ULN2803 is connected to pin no. 3 of 555 timer IC and output of ULN2803 are taken in the form of dc bulb through the relay which will be glow when there will be any motion in the room.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200