Gas Leakage Detection & Auto Off
In the kit Gas Leakage System Circuit here MQ-6 sensor works on basics of the combustion process, and output is given in variable voltage (analog variation voltage) form, so, when LPG gas is leakage voltage at the output pin of MQ-6 is increased and we use an Op-amp IC LM324 as a comparator for comparing the LPG leakage with respect to normal condition.
In the kit, the Gas Leakage System output of the comparator is fed to the microcontroller (AT89S8253) and the corresponding coding LCD displays gas leakage and gives another instruction to the stepper motor via motor driver IC (L293D) to drive the stepper motor to turn off the regulator of the gas and a buzzer is beeping continuously in GAS leakage condition. This kit is used in gas leakage detecting equipment in family, Car, and industry, which are suitable for detecting LPG.
Gas Leakage Detection & Auto Off
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGEC005
₹ 2,199
₹ 2,599
Warehouse Details

This kit Gas Leakage detection system helps you to upgrade your safety standards, comply with statutory requirements on environmental commitments, and most important and basic function preventing accidents and protect life and property from disaster. In this kit, we used the MQ-6 sensor for gas leakage detection. The heater provides necessary work conditions for the work of sensitive components. The enveloped MQ-6 has 6 pins, 4 of them are used to fetch signals, and the other 2 are used for providing heating current.In the kit Gas Leakage System Circuit here MQ-6 sensor works on basics of the combustion process, and output is given in variable voltage (analog variation voltage) form, so, when LPG gas is leakage voltage at the output pin of MQ-6 is increased and we use an Op-amp IC LM324 as a comparator for comparing the LPG leakage with respect to normal condition.
In the kit, the Gas Leakage System output of the comparator is fed to the microcontroller (AT89S8253) and the corresponding coding LCD displays gas leakage and gives another instruction to the stepper motor via motor driver IC (L293D) to drive the stepper motor to turn off the regulator of the gas and a buzzer is beeping continuously in GAS leakage condition. This kit is used in gas leakage detecting equipment in family, Car, and industry, which are suitable for detecting LPG.
Block Diagram
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 25 x 22 x 7
- Weight (gm): 1000