2 level security system with password and pattern using touch screen.
In the kit 2 level security system the touch screen is 4 wire resistive types. The 4 wires connected are interfaced with the analog pins of the microcontroller. After sensing the proper voltage on the pins, the sensor determines the current position of the user’s finger over the screen. The LCD connected with the microcontroller is having parallel interfacing, and it dot-matrix type LCD of dimension 2x16. The controlled gate is having a motor driver to control a dc motor. The dc motor further controls the slider gate in order to open and close it. There is a buzzer to generate the alarm. The keypad is made behind the touch screen using the logo.
2 level security system with password and pattern using touch screen.
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGEC177
₹ 1,699
₹ 3,000
Warehouse Details

This kit 2 level security system has a touch screen that is used to accept the user input. There is two-level security, at one level, the user has to enter the password, and on the other level, he has to enter a pattern on the touch screen. If both levels are authenticated, then only the gate opens otherwise after three continuous wrong entries can lead to an alarm trigger. There is an LCD for user assistance.In the kit 2 level security system the touch screen is 4 wire resistive types. The 4 wires connected are interfaced with the analog pins of the microcontroller. After sensing the proper voltage on the pins, the sensor determines the current position of the user’s finger over the screen. The LCD connected with the microcontroller is having parallel interfacing, and it dot-matrix type LCD of dimension 2x16. The controlled gate is having a motor driver to control a dc motor. The dc motor further controls the slider gate in order to open and close it. There is a buzzer to generate the alarm. The keypad is made behind the touch screen using the logo.
Block Diagram
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 28 x 24 x 8
- Weight (gm): 1000