555 Timer Based Binary Counters
This 555 Timer Based Binary Counters Circuit is constructed to give 12-bit binary counting. There are 2 stages in this project the first stage of this circuit is the clock generating circuit which is made by timer IC 555 and is configured in Astable multivibrator and provides constant square wave at its output pin 3. We can vary the output pulse by changing the resistance value, an LED connected at the IC 555 output through a 1k resistance to indicate the pulse status.
The 555 Timer Based Binary Counters Kit second stage is a counter stage, this IC counts each pulse input falling edge and increases the count value from Q0 to Q11, here we connected 12 LEDs to represent a 12-bit binary. Each LED ON represents binary 1 and OFF represents binary 0. If you want to reset the count then apply +5V to the reset pin. During the counting, the operation reset pin should be pulled down to the ground (GND).
555 Timer Based Binary Counters
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- Product SKU: LGKT089
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555 Timer Based Binary Counters made a system in which we want to show that how we can see Binary counter in the form of LED. In this, we have used some simple components like 555 timer IC, counter IC, bridge rectifier, capacitors, and Voltage regulator IC. Through this project, we will get to learn how to solder the PCB and testing of the circuits.This 555 Timer Based Binary Counters Circuit is constructed to give 12-bit binary counting. There are 2 stages in this project the first stage of this circuit is the clock generating circuit which is made by timer IC 555 and is configured in Astable multivibrator and provides constant square wave at its output pin 3. We can vary the output pulse by changing the resistance value, an LED connected at the IC 555 output through a 1k resistance to indicate the pulse status.
The 555 Timer Based Binary Counters Kit second stage is a counter stage, this IC counts each pulse input falling edge and increases the count value from Q0 to Q11, here we connected 12 LEDs to represent a 12-bit binary. Each LED ON represents binary 1 and OFF represents binary 0. If you want to reset the count then apply +5V to the reset pin. During the counting, the operation reset pin should be pulled down to the ground (GND).
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200