Adjustable Timer Circuit
555 IC Adjustable Timer Circuit is automatically switched back to a stable state after some time, this time, for which the 555 stays in the quasi-stable state, is determined by the time constant of the RC network in the circuit. This external triggering is given by connecting the Trigger PIN 2 to the Ground using a PUSH button. Before going through below, you should know about 555 timer IC and its PINs, here is a short description of its PINs.
Adjustable Timer Circuit
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- Product SKU: LGKT100
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Monostable multivibrator (MMV) mode of 555 timer IC is also called Single-shot mode. As the name suggests, only one state is stable and the other one is unstable or quasi-stable. The Adjustable Timer Circuit 555 timer IC remains in a Stable state until the external triggering is applied. External triggering is required for the transition from a stable to an unstable state.555 IC Adjustable Timer Circuit is automatically switched back to a stable state after some time, this time, for which the 555 stays in the quasi-stable state, is determined by the time constant of the RC network in the circuit. This external triggering is given by connecting the Trigger PIN 2 to the Ground using a PUSH button. Before going through below, you should know about 555 timer IC and its PINs, here is a short description of its PINs.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200