Automatic Drainage Cleaning System
Automatic Drainage Cleaning System
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGME056
₹ 15,000
₹ 18,000
Warehouse Details

Automatic Drainage Cleaning Machine is an automated engineering system which aims to overcome the real time problems. With the continued expansion of industries, there is continuous dumping of waste in drainage as well as water bodies in and around the industrial sites. This dumping of wastes causes harm to aquatic life as well as pollutes the water body which is very harmful to humans as well as animals. This problem of sewage water must be urgently resolved due to the increasing sewage problems from industries of the surrounding environment. The waste and gases produced from the industries are very harmful to human beings and to the environment. Our proposed system helps to clean and control the drainage level using automated technique.Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 45 x 35 x 18
- Weight (gm): 3000