Clock with LED Pendulum & Tick Tock Sound
- Product SKU: LGKT092
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Clock with LED Pendulum & Tick Tock Sound is made a system that works like a pendulum. We can do this in the form of tick-tock sound like a pendulum. To make this, we have used 555 timers, decade counter 4017 IC, and some simple components for example Resistance, capacitor, rectifier, led, and voltage regulator IC. Electronic clock with LED pendulum & tick-tock sound produces Tick Tock sound every second and it has a LED pendulum in which 6 LED glow in forward and reverse sequence like a Pendulum, each LED glow in one second.
This LED Pendulum & Tick Tock Sound Circuit is very useful and inexpensive. You can build your own clock which can be used in many applications like toys, robots, etc. To create this circuit we have mainly used 555 timers IC, 4017 IC, and a speaker. We have used 555 IC to produce the clock pulse every second and 4017 as a decade counter to glow the LEDs in sequence.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200