Electronic Eye Circuits
Fix the LDR to the wooden door or a locker to be protected in such a manner that when anybody tries to open it, a shadow falls on the LDR and the circuit gets activated and produces a pleasant sound through the buzzer. This electronic eye circuit uses NOT gate IC CD 4049. CD 4049 contains six independent NOT gates in one package; we have used one only.
Electronic Eye Circuits
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGKT110
₹ 399
₹ 499
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Warehouse Details

In the modern age of electronic equipment, a magic eye, or electronic eye, is a popular device. Fitting it on the bottom of the door entrance will allow it to function as an automatic guest indicator at the door. It is not necessary to install a call bell once it is installed at the door. Electronic Eye Circuits can also be used at homes or in banks as burglar alarms.Fix the LDR to the wooden door or a locker to be protected in such a manner that when anybody tries to open it, a shadow falls on the LDR and the circuit gets activated and produces a pleasant sound through the buzzer. This electronic eye circuit uses NOT gate IC CD 4049. CD 4049 contains six independent NOT gates in one package; we have used one only.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200