H-Bridge Using 555 Timer
This H-Bridge 555 Timer is LM555 timer IC use. In this kit, there is two LM555 timer ICs use in which both are in astable multivibrator mode. H-bridge circuits are used to drive motors since they can be in varying directions. A simply H-bridge schematic circuit drives a motor clockwise / anticlockwise by a variable resistance (preset). The value of the preset is 100-kilo ohm. Depending on the position of the preset, the direction of the motor can be controlled. If the difference becomes negative the direction gets changed.
H-Bridge Using 555 Timer
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- Product SKU: LGKT081
₹ 599
₹ 699
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The H-Bridge Using 555 Timer design a circuit that drives a motor in Clockwise/Anti-clock via 10k to 100k preset. The direction of the motor depends on the polarity of the applied voltage. Herewith the help of two LM555 timers IC, we are controlling the direction of the dc motor. Hear this circuit is called H-bridge using 555 timers IC. The basic principle of this circuit is the applied voltage across the motor terminal is interchange then the motor runs anticlockwise, this operation performs by 555 timers IC.This H-Bridge 555 Timer is LM555 timer IC use. In this kit, there is two LM555 timer ICs use in which both are in astable multivibrator mode. H-bridge circuits are used to drive motors since they can be in varying directions. A simply H-bridge schematic circuit drives a motor clockwise / anticlockwise by a variable resistance (preset). The value of the preset is 100-kilo ohm. Depending on the position of the preset, the direction of the motor can be controlled. If the difference becomes negative the direction gets changed.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200