Industrial drafting fan in stepped speed control using BLDC motor
This Industrial stepped speed control DC motors circuit controls the speed of the motor on-time duration basis. The PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output from the four-port pins is given to the H-Bridge circuit which drives the motor. On changing the duty cycle (ON time), we can change the speed. The speeds will automatically vary with the time that is from full speed then slow, slower, and slower, and so on finally after some time again full speed and the same procedure:
Physical Attributes
Industrial drafting fan in stepped speed control using BLDC motor
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- Product SKU: LGEE016
₹ 1,999
₹ 2,500
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Industrial drafting fan in stepped speed control DC motors can be controlled either by software or directly by hardware. The software controlling needs computers which are a bulky and common man cannot afford for it, so hardware controls are in use. Even in hardware if it is a programmable device then it is preferred because it can be modeled according to the requirements of the user.This Industrial stepped speed control DC motors circuit controls the speed of the motor on-time duration basis. The PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) output from the four-port pins is given to the H-Bridge circuit which drives the motor. On changing the duty cycle (ON time), we can change the speed. The speeds will automatically vary with the time that is from full speed then slow, slower, and slower, and so on finally after some time again full speed and the same procedure:
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 28 x 24 x 8
- Weight (gm): 1000