Light Controlled Sound Effects
- Product SKU: LGKT062
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The 555 amplifiers kit can be used as an amplifier. This first block is the power supply in the input is 230V AC which is step down using the transformer (12-0-12). The 12V ac input is fed to the bridge diode to gives 12V pulsating DC. This DC voltage is filtered through the capacitor to remove the ripples. The filtered DC is fed to the 7812 regulators to fetch +12v regulated output.
The Light Controlled Sound Effects Kit 555 amplifiers is in the normal mode, we just open-circuit the 5th pin (Control voltage pin) of 555 IC. But the most interesting fact we often neglect is that if a low-frequency signal is applied to the 5th pin of 555 IC, pulse width modulation starts. Here the oscillating frequency of 555 astable is approximately 145 kHz. The discharge time of the capacitor via diode 1N4007 is too fast since there is no resistor to discharge. The condenser MIC is used as a transducer to sense the incoming audio signals and convert them to proper electrical signals. The output of the MIC is then fed to the transistor via a capacitor. This capacitor is used to remove the DC component of the signal.
The Effects Sensors Kit resistor provides the necessary biasing to the condenser microphone. And the resistors R2 and R3 give potential divider bias to the BC547 transistor. The capacitor C2 and resistor R4 provide negative feedback to the transistor circuit which is essential for amplification. The pre-amplified audio signal is fed to the control voltage pin of 555 timer astable multivibrator running with 145kHz.The process of pulse width modulation starts and as we know the speaker does not respond to this much high frequency, it responses to the usual DC value of the modulated output. Hence the audio signal gets amplified.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200