Pump motor or lift motor burn out protection
There Pump motor or lift motor burn-out protection is a monitoring unit to check the temperature using DS18B20, a dry run of the motor using IR sensor, over current using ACS712 current sensor, and phase failure using the switch arrangement. This all unit is an interface to the AVR microcontroller to check the fault and according to drive the load that is turned on /off. The status of the parameter that is ok or fault is displayed on 16×2 LCD.
Pump motor or lift motor burn out protection
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGEE039
₹ 1,799
₹ 3,000
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Warehouse Details

The Pump motor or lift motor burn-out protection kit basically consists of a sensor to check motor parameters. The basic idea for the development of the kit is to provide safety to the pump/lift Motor if any of the phases, out of the 3 phases is missing and also if the temperature of the motor during operation exceeds the prescribed value, it stops immediately.There Pump motor or lift motor burn-out protection is a monitoring unit to check the temperature using DS18B20, a dry run of the motor using IR sensor, over current using ACS712 current sensor, and phase failure using the switch arrangement. This all unit is an interface to the AVR microcontroller to check the fault and according to drive the load that is turned on /off. The status of the parameter that is ok or fault is displayed on 16×2 LCD.
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 28 x 24 x 8
- Weight (gm): 1000