RF based Wireless Electrical Devices Controller
The loads like lights, motors, heaters, power controlling system, and also current through the loads can be controlled in this RF-based Wireless Electrical Devices Controller kit. We can control all loads at a time from one place (control room) without connecting any physical wire between loads and the control room. The RF modules used here are Transmitter and Receiver. Switches are provided at the transmitter end, to control the loads which are connected at the receiver side.
Physical Attributes
RF based Wireless Electrical Devices Controller
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGEE032
₹ 2,299
₹ 3,000
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Warehouse Details

The main objective of this kit is to develop a home automation system with an RF-controlled remote. As technology is advancing so houses are also getting smarter. Modern houses are gradually shifting from conventional switches to centralized control systems, involving RF-controlled switches. Presently, conventional wall switches located in different parts of the house make it difficult for the user to go near them to operate. Even more, it becomes more difficult for the elderly or physically handicapped people to do so. Remote controlled home automation system provides a simpler solution with RF technology.The loads like lights, motors, heaters, power controlling system, and also current through the loads can be controlled in this RF-based Wireless Electrical Devices Controller kit. We can control all loads at a time from one place (control room) without connecting any physical wire between loads and the control room. The RF modules used here are Transmitter and Receiver. Switches are provided at the transmitter end, to control the loads which are connected at the receiver side.
- The switches are interfaced with the RF transmitter through RF Encoder.
- The encoder continuously reads the status of the switches, passes the data to the RF transmitter and the transmitter transmits the data.
- At the receiving end, the RF receiver receives this data, gives it to the RF decoder.
- This decoder converts the single-bit data into 4-bit data and presents it to the controlling circuit.
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 28 x 24 x 8
- Weight (gm): 1000