RFID Based Library Management
The issue database will be stored on the PC. The RFID Based Library Management will be handled using the PC interface. In this kit, Visual Basic software will be used to design the GUI interface (Graphical user interface) for the data log of the book tag, book type, date, and time and store it in the notepad file.
In this kit, the RF ID is attached to each book. As soon as any book is taken nearby, the reader senses the ID of the book and sends data to the microcontroller. The microcontroller, in response, sends this data to the computer. Hence all book-issued record is done as per the data stored in the computer's database automatically.
RFID Based Library Management
Available:In Stock
- Product SKU: LGEC054
₹ 2,599
₹ 3,000
Warehouse Details

RFID Based Library Management Kit is an effort to design a prototype library management system based on an RF-ID card to directly know the book and check out the entire book to keep the record of the book issued based on the RF-ID. The book will have a unique ID tag installed. This tag will receive by the RF-ID reader and sent to the PC. PC has the stored parameters of the book like book type. Once the book is identified the database can be done handled easily.The issue database will be stored on the PC. The RFID Based Library Management will be handled using the PC interface. In this kit, Visual Basic software will be used to design the GUI interface (Graphical user interface) for the data log of the book tag, book type, date, and time and store it in the notepad file.
In this kit, the RF ID is attached to each book. As soon as any book is taken nearby, the reader senses the ID of the book and sends data to the microcontroller. The microcontroller, in response, sends this data to the computer. Hence all book-issued record is done as per the data stored in the computer's database automatically.
Block Diagram
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 25 x 22 x 7
- Weight (gm): 1000