SMS Based Irrigation System Using GSM
The microcontroller reads the SMS arrived in the GSM modem and takes the corresponding action. For example, to stop the complete flow of water, we have to use the send SMS ‘0’, and to open the gate completely we will send the SMS ‘1’. In between these two values, we can have different openings of the gate. In this kit, we are going to explain how to control electrical devices through SMS using a GSM modem and AVR microcontroller.
We are using an SMS Based Irrigation System Using GSM modem with TTL output. You can control 4 devices with this code in this article, which can be extended more with similar drivers. We can show LEDs as the output devices. You can easily connect relays in the place of the LED using a relay driver IC ULN2003.
SMS Based Irrigation System Using GSM
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One of the great advantages of this SMS Based Irrigation System service is its reliability. Also, there is no limitation in its range. Here we are controlling the water canal pipeline with a GSM modem. The gate of the canal is connected with the motor. As per the requirement of the water, we can control the level of the water in the canal just by our SMS. The motors (Tulu pump) are connected with the relay.The microcontroller reads the SMS arrived in the GSM modem and takes the corresponding action. For example, to stop the complete flow of water, we have to use the send SMS ‘0’, and to open the gate completely we will send the SMS ‘1’. In between these two values, we can have different openings of the gate. In this kit, we are going to explain how to control electrical devices through SMS using a GSM modem and AVR microcontroller.
We are using an SMS Based Irrigation System Using GSM modem with TTL output. You can control 4 devices with this code in this article, which can be extended more with similar drivers. We can show LEDs as the output devices. You can easily connect relays in the place of the LED using a relay driver IC ULN2003.
Block Diagram
Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 22 x 22 x 7
- Weight (gm): 1000