Water Tank Over Flow Indicator
- Product SKU: LGKT145
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Water Tank Over Flow Indicator is that how do we save water from being wasted. We can use this project in any water tank. It in this, when we use the motor to fill the tank and when the tank is full, we do not know whether the water tank is full or not, and all the water starts falling out. This Water Tank Over Flow Indicator Project has been made so that water is not wasted.
The Water Tank Over Flow Indicator Kits is used an op-Amp IC LM741, 8 Ohm speaker, and melody generates IC UM66 IC. In this, 2 wires have been used to put it in the water tank, one wire will be attached at the bottom of the tank and the other wire will be attached at the top of the tank. When the water in the tank will fill slowly and when the water in the tank will be full, that means both the wires in the tank will be connected. In that condition, a sound will be generated which means that the water tank is full and the motor should be turned off.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200