Wireless Door Control System
- Product SKU: LGKT030
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RF-based Door Control System is designed to provide an efficient yet simple method for controlling the direction of DC motors using RF (Radio Frequency) technology or controlling doors via RF technology. It is a key motivation for developing the kit.
The encoder HT12E encodes these parallel signals into serial bits. Transmission is enabled by providing ground to pin14 which is active low. The Control Signals are given at pins 10-13 of HT12E. The serial data is fed to the RF transmitter through pin17 of HT12E. The transmitter, upon receiving serial data from encoder IC (HT12E), transmits it wirelessly to the RF receiver. The receiver, upon receiving these signals, sends them to the decoder IC (HT12D) through pin2. The serial data is received at the data pin (DIN, pin14) of HT12D. The decoder then retrieves the original parallel format from the received serial data.
A signal is sent by lowering any or all the pins 10-13 of HT12E and the corresponding signal is received at the receiver’s end (at HT12D). By configuring the address bits properly, a single Wireless Transmitter can also be used to control different RF receivers of the same frequency. The received signal is then fed to the L293d which eventually drives the motor to open and close the door.
Block Diagram

Physical Attributes
- Dimensions (cm) L x W x H : 20 x 15 x 5
- Weight (gm): 200